Chicken enchiladas in green sauce. Some dishes have a magical way of taking us back in time, like this recipe that brings back memories of my childhood. The secret to this dish lies in the sauce: you roast green tomatoes with garlic and onions in the oven or on a griddle. Then, you blend them and cook the sauce with chilies of your choice, whether it’s spicy or mild. Don’t forget to add a pinch of salt. The result is a delicious green sauce!
For the filling, you can use chicken. I prefer using roasted chicken because it’s so convenient. Once the chicken is ready, I roll it up in tortillas, and you can even add a little cheese on top and some pickled onions for that extra flavor. If you like, you can also add a dollop of sour cream for creaminess.
Here’s a handy tip: this green sauce works well for making other tasty dishes like huevos rancheros in green sauce or huevos divorciados. You can also use it to make chalupas or quesadillas. Enjoy!